Children's Ministry
Building Relationships with the Lord & Each Other
Kingdom Kids
Let the little children come to me…for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
– Matthew 19:14
At Redemption, we are deeply committed to providing a safe, loving, and enriching environment for our youngest worshipers.
Kingdom Kids, our ministry for children ages 0-5th grade gathers Sunday mornings at 10 am. Ages 0-4 meet in the nursery for fun and play while grades K-5 break into small groups to learn about God and the Bible through stories, crafts, games, and more! All children return to the main service for Communion.
More information coming soon on how to register for our new Kid Check check-in system.

Teachers Needed!
Kingdom Kids is getting a new look in the new year. We are looking for teachers for K-5th grade. We have an easy-to-follow curriculum. We want you to be a part of serving in the Redemption Family in the rewarding area of children’s ministry. Please pray about it and sign-up below when you are ready to say YES!